Runners meal plan: what to eat for an 8 weeks training plan

Are you looking for the ideal runners' meal plan? A running diet plan can help you to improve your running and keep yourself healthy.  Here are some key factors in creating a functional and nutritious meal daily to help you run your running routine.  Hydration A...

Half marathon pace: what is the ideal pace?

Are you preparing for a half marathon and want to know what the ideal half marathon pace is?  Keep reading to learn all you need to know to discover the right pace you should run!  How far is a half marathon? A half marathon is precisely what its names suggest, the...

Apps for runners: 4 apps to help you boost performance

Do you want to start running or already run regularly but need more help organizing your workouts? Then, apps for runners may be a great addition to your routine.  These apps are excellent tools for tracking and boosting performance and creating running goals to stay...

At some point along the journey to a half marathon, running becomes more than just a hobby. It becomes a lifestyle.

You plan your days around fartlek workouts. Your wardrobe gets taken over by weather-appropriate running gear. The pantry is filled with food that can fuel your runs. Weekends are either spent trail running or heading to races. Slowly you realize you’re one of many who call themselves a runner.

Half Marathon Girl will offer advice on the latest running trends, must-have running accessories, and race day tips that will get you across the finish line.

Read our articles below to learn more.

Half marathon pace: what is the ideal pace?

Half marathon pace: what is the ideal pace?

Are you preparing for a half marathon and want to know what the ideal half marathon pace is?  Keep reading to learn all you need to know to discover the right pace you should run!  How far is a half marathon? A half marathon is precisely what its names suggest, the...

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Apps for runners: 4 apps to help you boost performance

Apps for runners: 4 apps to help you boost performance

Do you want to start running or already run regularly but need more help organizing your workouts? Then, apps for runners may be a great addition to your routine.  These apps are excellent tools for tracking and boosting performance and creating running goals to stay...

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Cross-training exercises for runners: benefits and types

Cross-training exercises for runners: benefits and types

If you're a first-time runner, you must know that injuries are one of the runners' main concerns. That's why doing cross-training exercises for runners can be very beneficial for your health.  Workout for runners can help you avoid injuries, increase muscle strength,...

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The half marathon is a good way to have a bit of fun and race against those girls and learn about them.

Paula Radcliffe

Women's Marathon World Record Holder


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